charlotte plumbers, charlotte nc, storm drains, issues, problems, solutions

Some Storm Drains Common Issues and Solutions | Charlotte Plumbers | Charlotte NC

Addressing problems related to internal stormwater drainage requires patience and attention. Houses and buildings must have reliable drainage systems. Otherwise, we can face many inconvenience and severe consequences if they are not designed and maintained correctly.

Surface and underground water accumulations can harm outdoor areas such as gardens. Surface water excess also causes erosion in some surrounding areas of the home. Effects of these accumulations lead to structural damage in house foundations. Many relevant factors account for this issue.

Water in your Basement

When the water accumulates around your house, basement walls crack; it can jeopardize home foundations. Also, this event is a common cause of mold and moisture in lower parts of the house. It also affects the health of its occupants. In this case, homeowners must consider installing sewer and grates to address water from the downspout and drain the rainwater from the roof.


Sewers collect the carrying water to maintain drainage free of clogs. These installations collect wastes. Therefore, sewers must be cleaned periodically. They are recommended in areas where leaves, soil, and other sediments accumulate. It will prevent the drainage collapse.

Sewer and Drainage Pipes

These pipes are rigid and facilitate a continuous slope in critical areas. Some houses have corrugated pipes; they make more difficult removing clogs. Therefore, ideal pipes should have a smooth internal surface to improve the water flow and allow the use of a plumber’s snake in the event of an obstruction. The most common material of sewage and drainage pipes is the polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

Drainage Paths

Some areas such as laundry room and garage are prone to floods because of the surface water coming from outside. The solution is the installation of surface drainage paths.

If you need more information, do not forget to consult to your trusted Charlotte plumbers. Do not put this off until tomorrow if you can do it today.