Month: June 2018

charlotte plumbers, charlotte nc, storm drains, issues, problems, solutions

Some Storm Drains Common Issues and Solutions | Charlotte Plumbers | Charlotte NC

Some areas such as laundry room and garage are prone to floods because of the surface water coming from outside. The solution is the installation of surface drainage paths.

If you need more information, do not forget to consult to your trusted Charlotte plumbers. Do not put this off until tomorrow if you can do it today.

plumbers, charlotte nc, water heaters, water heating, energy savings

Water Heater Energy Saving Tips | Plumbers | Charlotte NC

In the United States and any part of the world, water heating is so expensive as HVAC systems. There are no exact estimates on hot water used in homes since families and their habits vary greatly. If you need to save water and energy, consider the cost of heating water. Bellow, Charlotte plumbers give you some tips related to water heating savings.